Injection Molding Machine

  • Company Name: Swaraj Automotive Ltd
  • Location: Nabha, Punjab
  • Product Installed: Micron Filtration System®
  • Eclipse Product Installed: Injection Molding Machine
  • Industry: Automotive
  • Process Type: Hydraulic Molding Machines

Application Background

Established in 1974, Swaraj Automotives Limited (SAL) is an emerging global manufacturer of Automotive Components, Seats and Agricultural Implements. SAL is a leading and preferred Supplier to the Indian Automotive Industry.


There are 8 molding machines in their plant in Nabha, Punjab with approx. 10,000 ltrs of hydraulic oils.
There are 2 special molding machines with approx. 1,500 ltrs each. Due to the contamination in the oils, the pumps got damaged & Kleenoil was called to save those pumps from further damage.


There was a successful demo provided and initially 1 no. Micron Filtration System® model MFS2XSDU was procured.

Other Opportunities

The oil filtration system was originally connected to the molding machines for off-line filtration.
The first oil filtration system was used to rotate in the plant among all other machines to filter the hydraulic oils periodically.
Plan is to attach a system on induvial machines for 24X7 filtration.